13 May 2012

Shrewsbury Regatta 2012 Cancelled!

May 12 & 13 2012

Shrewsbury Regatta is remembered for warm weather and sunshine, heralding the summer.
However, not this year!
The organising committee after extensive discussion and analysis of predicted river levels for the weekend were forced to cancel this popular Regatta due to flooding and potential dangerous water conditions.

There had been unexpected heavy rainfall in upper river catchment.
Their concern was for the safety on and off the water of competitors and they decided that given the peak of 2.3 m due to come through on Friday and a predicted level one metre above normal racing levels, the organisers would not be able to put the necessary safety in place to ensure safe racing on Saturday.

In addition the trailer parking area and car park was waterlogged. Not much fun for campers either!

The club had entered a number of crews who were looking forward to the competition from outside our region. Namely, the junior boys and girls Eights who were fired up, following the disappointment of not being able to race at the Junior Inter Regional Regatta a few weeks ago, again due to the adverse weather conditions.

Northwich RC is now preparing for our own Regatta and look forward to welcoming many clubs.          Northwich Sprint Regatta Sun 27 May 2012

Good water, spectator viewing options and catering make this a popular event for Senior, Novice, Junior and Masters crews.

This year we have added the following events to the usual full list:  J16.8+, W.J16 8+,  Nov.4x+ and W.Nov.4x+.
The latter two events may be of particular interest for some 'learn-to-row' crews !